
To provide a life changing education opportunity for our girls.
The Northern Region of Uganda was ravaged by the 20-year LRA war where over 30,000 children were abducted and forced to participate in the army to fight or serve the soldiers in other unimaginable ways. The war ended in 2007, but the aftereffects of the horror continue to impact the community as they deal with the lost years from this conflict.
The poverty in this region is immense -- the long walks needed each day to get water from a borehole, the lack of indoor plumbing in the mud huts families live in, the lack of electricity, and the challenges that girls face in getting an education. School is costly for families, especially when most are earning just over $1 per day. Sadly many girls are married off at the age of 14 or 15, so that their dowry can support the family. These girls deserve a better future.
Another challenge is that 94% of Ugandans rely on charcoal for cooking, much of it unsustainably sourced. Nearly 63% of Ugandan's forest land has been logged in the last 3 decades. This deforestation has many rippling consequences.

Please help us support these girls to become Innovation Scholars, where to have the opportunity shape their futures, rebuild their communities, and hone their skills and talents to make the world better.
By working together, we can ensure that Saint Bakhita’s becomes a pillar of strength in building the community on combatting deforestation. By working together, we can create jobs. By working together, we will create a school that is one of the best in Africa. Support an Innovation Scholar today, and let’s innovate, together.
Here's how you can support our girls.